Christian and Libertarian challenges #2: Abortion
“....Abortion on demand, no limitations of course....”Abortion
Is that really what Libertarians believe on abortion? The truth is, not really.
“Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff.” That's libertarianism in a nutshell as expressed by Matt Kibbe and many other libertarians. As a Christian, I think that “love thy neighbor as thyself” can be a stronger rule for life, but the libertarian rule is a decent starting point.
Many Libertarians, including atheist Austin Peterson, recognize that the child in the womb is a person. If you're going to say “don't hurt people”, that has to apply to abortion as well. Yes, there are pro-life Libertarians. And, yes, it can get contentious.
Libertarians may be hesitant to outlaw abortion outright. There are the concerns about women in medical difficulty, and victims of rape who have already suffered a loss of their freedom. Still, it is quite possible to argue in these cases against late term abortion on the grounds of minimizing the violence against both woman and child.
Libertarians across the board will agree that taxpayer funding of a political “charity” like PP that turns around and donates back to politicians is horribly corrupt and needs to end. Libertarians would also agree that forcing one person to pay for another person's abortion is unconscionable.
The Republican party claims to be pro-life, but they have squandered every opportunity to back their words up with action. The Libertarian Party makes no claim to be pro-life, but simply putting the government on more neutral ground would be a great win for the pro-life cause.
And if state and local governments allow the killing of children for the convenience of careless people, what then? Am I to just shrug my shoulders and give up? No! The best way to fight against abortion is, again, to follow Christ's example of radical love. I choose, of my own free will, to support charities that offer women in bad situations better options and real compassion. I can and do support adoption as a better alternative. This is the Christian way. This is my job, not the government's. It doesn't contradict the Libertarian way, it goes above and beyond and fills in the gaps. Just as with prostitution, my Libertarian position challenges me to be a better Christian. Will you not join me?
Previous post: Prostitution
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