My Voting Guide for November 2012: The Cheat Sheet

Last time I did one of these voting guides, I had some friends say, "Thanks, but we need one page we can just print off and take to the ballot box!" Well, here you go! Here's the quick list (along with links to get back to my reasoning, just in case you want to check my work).
Part 1:
For Public Service Commissioner (To Succeed Chuck Eaton)
CHUCK EATON - (Incumbent) Republican

For Public Service Commissioner (To Succeed Stan Wise)
DAVID STAPLES - Libertarian

Part 2:
For County Board of Education Post 2

Part 3:
Constitutional Amendment 1 (Charter Schools)

Constitutional Amendment 2 (Multi-year real estate agreements)

Special Election (E-SPLOST tax for education)


Anonymous said…
Hi Danny, I really enjoy your voter guides and mostly agree as in your Public Service Com. choices. This time we have to part company on the amendments. I am convinced giving more control of local education to the state is a mistake. Our national education malaise began when top down influence grew. I want to lessen not increase state and national controls.
On #2: The idea of saving money seems really good but we have had government buildings set empty many times with short leases because times change. Perhaps 3 or 5 years not 10 would get my vote.
On #3: No, no, no on any more money for education than what we already pour into a system that is very-very broken. Turn around the objectives for the classroom and I will vote any amount they ask for (well, almost).
Your friend always,
Danny Dolan said…
Thanks for commenting, I appreciate your feedback! I understand your objections to the amendments, and I can't fault you for voting against them.
On the Charter Schools, if I saw any way in which this were increasing State or National ability to put mandates on existing County schools, I would be absolutely against it. As it is, parents still have the choice to send their kids back to the County schools if the State schools don't live up to their promise. This adds another layer of competition, and we desperately need school competition, I think.
For #2, I see your point. We do need to close some government offices, and sell some government property. I think that the multi-year lease legal language still allows this to happen. We just need politicians with the will to make it happen, however short or long the leases are.
For the sales tax, if this were a new tax being pushed on us, I'd be absolutely against it. If the tax rate were being raised, I'd be against it no question. As it is, it's a renewal of an "operating budget" tax that's expiring, and not the worst of taxes either. It is a county level tax, not like that horrible T-SPLOST we just voted down, and our county schools are pretty good for our state.

That's just my two cents. Thanks for posting again!

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