Church and State
The purpose of the US Government, as envisioned by its founders, was to defend the people of the nation from foreign invasion and rebellion from within, and to govern the interactions between states.
The purpose of The Episcopal Church, as envisioned by its founders, was to defend the people of the nation from spiritual harm and false doctrine, and to govern the interactions between states.
In The Episcopal Church, canon laws are made and budgets are created by a bicameral legislative body known as the General Convention.
The US Congress is over-weighted at the moment with ideological liberals. Conservatives are present, but do not have enough numbers to be effective.
The General Convention is over-weighted at the moment with ideological liberals. Conservatives are present, but do not have enough numbers to be effective.
The leaders of US Congress have decided that their calling is to redefine healthcare. Their goal is to provide "universal access". In their push to "save" healthcare, they will do far more damage than good. They have forgotten that people who can't afford healthcare need charity, not a false "insurance" with no accountability to the patient.
The leaders of The Episcopal Church have decided that their calling is to redefine marriage. Their goal is to provide "universal access". In their push to "save" marriage, they will do far more damage than good. They have forgotten that people who live in a "gay" lifestyle need a message of repentance and spiritual healing, not a false marriage with no spiritual reality.
The President of the United States is working to increase the power of the Federal Government, and especially his office, taking power and autonomy away from the states, and ignoring all boundaries set by tradition and the Constitution and Laws of the land.
The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church is working to increase the power of the National Episcopal Church, and especially her office, taking power and autonomy away from the dioceses, and ignoring all boundaries set by tradition and the Constitution and Canons of the church.
How am I doing so far? Anyone care to add?