
Showing posts from June, 2009

ACNA: Thick and Thin, High and Low

The Anglican Church in North America has just been born. Hallelujiah! How many wonderful ironies can I find? The news headlines are full of talk about us as "breakaway Episcopalians"... but it is the Episcopal Church that has been generally breaking away from Christianity. We are called "schismatics", but in reality, this is a drawing together of groups that have been splintered by history and circumstance. I'd even call it an "un-schism". And then there are those crying "doom" over the new union even as it begins. See, you've got the group called Anglo-catholics. Solemn services, smells and bells, organs and traditional choirs. And you've got the group called Evangelicals. This crowd is known for praise songs, praise bands, and generally letting the worship carry them away, if that's how the Spirit moves them. The "deal-breaker", according to the naysayers, is that these two groups disagree over the theology of Women...

Daniel Dreams of Lions

I had a dream last night. It was at my church, during the worship service. (Anglican, BCP 1928, if that helps set the scene.) We were all singing praise music, as joyfully as you can imagine. And we were dancing with lions. Fully-grown lions, in the church, playfully dancing. And no, I hadn't been reading or watching any Narnia lately. It's been a while since I journaled or blogged or anything. It's been a long time since I've really followed either Slashdot or LiveJournal . But I've had some thoughts lately that I'd like to shape by putting them into words. So, as I start out this new writing, let me say: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)