
Showing posts from January, 2020

Credit where it isn't due

A good friend sent me an article today that was an interesting read. The crux of the article was that, while Steve Job's genius and willing to be "foolishly" creative contributed to Apple's success, the real credit goes to the government for subsidizing twelve particular technologies that Apple used in their products. This excerpt presents these technologies, and the fact that their development was subsidized by the government, as if to say that they would not have been developed if the government had not been involved. On that basis, the government seems to get all of the credit for Apple's success. But, until someone invents a device to accurately peer into alternate timelines and universes, we can't know for certain how these technologies, or even better, might have been invented on their own. People have been inventing for tens of thousands of years. We're rather good at it. Apple got to be big because their products were good, and their marketing...